Freedomseeker12 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mega boomer gay

Big brain move is having so many gats you don’t even know where they all are, let alone care if one is stolen

Freedomseeker12 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is going in my crotch armor. I’d rather not live with that wound

Freedomseeker12 3 points ago +3 / -0

“The ATF suggests that braces intended to be fired without shouldering the gun may remain legal: “This rule does not affect ‘stabilizing braces’ that are objectively designed and intended as a ‘stabilizing brace’ for use by individuals with disabilities, and not for shouldering the weapon as a rifle”

Pulled that from an article on Breitbart

So don’t shoulder it in front of Fedbois. Shouldn’t be too difficult.

Freedomseeker12 2 points ago +2 / -0

Inaccurate. Second panel should be them dancing on the weapons that were left behind

Not only did our military get their asses handed to them by goat fuckers from the Stone Age, our leadership was so incompetent that the war ended with the enemy owning billions of dollars of our weaponry and being more radicalized than ever.

Throw in some autismo magic and we can have them abandoning entire aircraft carriers and fleeing to Canada

Freedomseeker12 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s the only way to be sure

Freedomseeker12 6 points ago +6 / -0

I feel the walls closing in on me every time I walk into an indoor range. Massive anxiety.

Just doing my thing and always feel like I’m in danger of triggering fudds. “NO RAPID FIRE!” “DID U JUST EMERGENCY RELOAD FROM A FANNY PACK USING YOUR TOES??”

Fuck that, public land will always be where it’s at for the discerning ‘tist

Freedomseeker12 4 points ago +4 / -0

Which gen PSA AK is best?

I knew about the GF3 being decent but now I see they have GF4s and GF5s

Been developing a serious horniness for AKs lately, but is also poorfag

Freedomseeker12 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine not having your tannerite always at hand

Freedomseeker12 4 points ago +4 / -0

Search “Active self protection” on YouTube if you want to see what “get real” actually means Elmer

Freedomseeker12 6 points ago +6 / -0

Better mount it to a boomba

Freedomseeker12 9 points ago +9 / -0

With an HK patch that says im not poor, I’m just a faggot

Freedomseeker12 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hate to be that nerd, but “Revenge of the Jedi” is not the name of any movie

Freedomseeker12 2 points ago +2 / -0

You slip “no genuine racism” into your post after “play it safe”, as if to say “hey now my fellow racists, let’s keep our genuine racism to ourselves for a little while until the heat dies down!”

Fuck off with that shit. Best gunnit has never been a place that harbors racists, most here just refuse to sugar coat reality or play along with the PC game. Above all, we just want to be left the fuck alone to play with our retarded gats. No step

Freedomseeker12 12 points ago +12 / -0

Well so far it’s looking pretty fucked. We should have expected that the media would spin this, but it’s crazy how fast momentum was lost when they started calling it terrorism and violence. People tucked their tails and backed off when they really should have started loading rifles and ignoring the DC gun laws. The fuckers murdered an unarmed woman and nothing was done, and then the lizards walked through the blood to get back in and continue to certify. It’s a massive “fuck you” to each and every American.

Time to stop paying taxes. The republic is dead if this shit flies

Freedomseeker12 22 points ago +22 / -0

It’s calm because the media is downplaying the potential for an election flip flop. From what I hear, Trump may have won by millions of votes once they finally show the fraud for how widespread it is. Yet apple news is still calling biden the “president elect” and laughing at trumps failed lawsuits. Once the big revelation hits we’ll see a big freak out.

Either that or they will cover it up and Biden will stay in office. But the people will not stand for 18 months in quarantine I promise you that much. We’re gonna get some riots no matter what, don’t you worry

Freedomseeker12 9 points ago +9 / -0

Boogalicious excitement grows

Freedomseeker12 14 points ago +14 / -0

Am I the only one who uses gunnit as a news source? This is the only place I trust for real updates anymore

Fuck each and every one of these fraudulent commie fuckers, and God bless America. May our tendies be forever sauced and our rifles automatic. Not a damn thing will be taken. Let them try.