Right!? I see no issues here. You could maybe argue he has shitty taste in shirts, but that’s easily offset by the cannon and nods.
I dunno. Have you shot it? Do you like it?
Personally, I don’t sell weapons unless they’re absolute garbage. So when someone tells me they’re selling, I assume they’re either in desperate need of cash, or the gun is dogshit.
But I’m just some dude on the interwebs that is probably pooping as he types this…
You joke, but watch some girls try to rack the slide on anything other than a SW 380EZ and it may change your mind.
Remember lads, ladies keep us around for the peen, and to help open jars. Semi autos need strong, jar-opening hands.
Fuck I’m becoming a fudd…
Oh boy, this will be fun. Expect a lot of expensive shit to get recommended to you by people that can’t afford it themselves…
Go to a range, rent a bunch of shit, and buy what you like. Things feel different to everyone, and peeps on the internet recommend a lot of garbage that feels bad in the hand.
Every man should own at least one shotgun, one pistol, and one military-style rifle. Throw in a 22LR for good measure.
Wow, well I finally found a CZ I don’t want. Thanks, I guess.
I’m glad you’re still kicking. And thanks for posting the audio for retards like me that can’t reed two good.
You’re voice sounds like Batman. It would be a shame to lose you for that reason alone.
Get better. And for god sakes stop posting to Reddit.
Two weeks to slow the collapse?
It won’t take long when it happens.
Glock rhymes with cock. And I know some people who worship Glock, if you know what I mean.
Not that there is anything wrong with that. I don’t judge. Carry appendix and let it’s barrel caress your shaft all day, everyday.
It takes longer to buy a 6-8” metal tube than to build, purchase, and move into a house.
Even then they dick you around for 9-12 months before giving you the damn stamp. The ATF is completely worthless.
God Bless America! I just love this country so damn much.
6.5 creedmoor is waiting for the old man to die so it can waste the inheritance on hookers and blow.
You cheatin’ on us? You better not be cheatin’ us.
I hear the internet is gay and riddled with aids.
Smol pp, hairy toes, no meth or bobs to rub face on, and they’re gluten intolerant so they can’t enjoy tendies like the rest of us.
They all want to kill themselves but they’re anti gun and rope is racist. It’s a miserable existence.
Accuracy is overrated. You’ve got a semi-auto, so if you miss just shake it and send another.
You need to focus on what really matters - the internet points and the drip.
Plus there’s rule 1913.
You’re living the dream, fren.
I wish you a very Merry Christmas. Hopefully Santa can bring you a nice set of motor-boatable bobs. One that’s not too naggy, loves making sandwiches, sucking pp, and .45 ACP.
TAKE IT BACK!! Meth is better than tendies. And I’d kill for tendies.
Damn dude, do you wax? Those toes be lookin’ mighty smooth. Too many of us look like chimpanzees.
Anyway, dump a mag into that bitch. You can’t be tolerating disrespect, especially a fine-footed fellow as yourself.
I’d even take 15 AK-47s for $79.
Damn dude, a five-inch benis? Lucky…
I didn’t say they could do it. They can’t. NGL though, it would be funny to watch them try.
I wanna see them run thru the battlefield with six inch heels. And cry every time someone misgenders them on the radio, because their voice is still too deep.
Yes, but magnum loads make me feel like I have a magnum dong.
I must pretend to have big a pee pee.
I’d bet money this person has put both the barrel and whatever the hell that grip thingy is, inside themselves.
Why go out of your way to look, dress, and act like a girl when you’re still carrying a hog and hairy berries under your skirt?
Californians are nuckin’ futz.
I hope that is mostly kevlar and plates. That dude is gonna get lit up, likely from both sides. I wouldn’t be surprised if he shot himself too.
Pikachu is confused. Pikachu used bullet sponge. It hurt itself in its confusion.