Zap Carry FTW.
Valid strategy, bro. You do you when you play with a pew pew.
That’s a really good idea.
No, no, no…. Quantity over quality. You can pick up well over 125 Hi-points for that.
Then hide them everywhere in your home. I’m talking in every cereal box, under every couch cushion, in every drawer and cabinet, in every toilet tank, kids toy boxes, toolboxes, mailboxes, liter boxes, dishwasher, dryer, washer, in every ceiling tile, under any carpet you can roll back, in your porno stash, in your bushes, under every seat in your car, and in every glove compartment center console and trunk of your cars.
Make sure they’re all loaded with one in the chamber.
Then buy one WOT from Big Daddy.
When the ATF raids you, it should look like a damn Easter egg hunt. You would be a legend.
Doing nothing will not give you a promotion. You must help the globalists empty their balls. How you do it is up to you - hands, mouth, prison pouch, etc.
Just be weary of MonkeyPox. Also I’ve heard globalist gravy tastes like sulfur and cheese, so I’d avoid using the mouth unless you’re into that shit.
This is the level of genius that keeps me coming back to this site.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
A couple of ‘tactical taxidermies’ would do the trick.
Some people stuff and mount deer, I stuff Pomeranians and leave them at choke points in my home. I can’t wait for the ATF or IRS to visit.
But is that shit jizzy?
The best shits look like those mocha-fuckachinno drinks at Starbucks. Kinda brown, but coated in a thick layer of white foam. Delicious,
Yes, but you can’t look cool if nobody can see you. Checkmate.
Well, fat girls, goth girls, even dumb girls need love too. Everyone has a type. At least you don’t carry a HiPoint,
I want to know what music you madlads love? Lets hear it. I need a BestGunnit Playlist.
What do you play when you reload?
What do you play at the range?
What do you dance to when you’re in full LARP?
That is a terrible idea. It would block my grenade launcher chainsaw combo
That would work, but I’m poor.
That’s because you’re drinking the wrong stuff. Add a little CLP to your breakfast bourbon.
Also if your pancake batter is too runny try adding Frog Lube to thicken it. A little dab goes a long way.
I feel personally insulted…
I missed this. What happened? People arguing over trash?
“Hey RSO! RSO! That guy over there! Do you see him? The one with the unkempt beard, pott-belly, and throbbing erection? He is shooting more than one round per second, which is against range rules.”
Fucking public ranges. They’re bad enough as it is. Then add in a class of new shooters and holy hell…
I don’t know what the Zip 22 is. Assuming the designers at Kel-Tec were out huffing paint again?
Older rimfire gun designs are best. And they don’t look retarded. Im talkin’ God’s guns - the cowboy actions. Tube-fed lever gats and revolvers work literally every time, even with unreliable rimfire ammo.
You may pretend to like your new-fangled fancy-ass mag-Fed thing-a-ma-plinker that you bought for $700, but you know deep down that the $99 Rough Rider with the Betsy Ross Flag painted on the handle was the better gun.
Think about it like sex.
She’s hot, but playful. Hard to get, you could say. You’ve got to wine her and dine her, on several dates over many days or weeks. When the time is right, she demands a ton of foreplay to build up to the right moment where you feel spectacular ecstasy for about 15 seconds before dumping your mag. Then it’s back to square one. Put her in the safe and start the process over.
This is better than say…
The Eastern European girl from across town. She’s a dirty fucking slut that will let you dump mags all day long at any time. She’s the opposite of high maintenance, and ready to rock at any time. No prep, not even a light shower. In fact, she doesn’t mind a bit of dirt, mud, sweat or even blood. She’s a freak. Also smoking hot, dependable, and miraculously disease free.
So the choices is obvious, I think.
(Written by a guy that owns a Sig, but would trade that bitch for another CZ in a hot second.)
Make pew. pew. go pew-pew-pew
I think I might print this out and shoot at it from 40 yards away.
Beautiful. It belongs in a museum, right next to the Mona Lisa. I especially love how the label reads “BITCH”.
Your gun is already lubed. Don’t be a pussy. Be an asshole.