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Soy-bois with badges and truncheons vs. Citizens with 3D printed BARs. That is my dream.
I watched. I laughed. *spoiler * The cuck bautista gets slotted. That was funny. The main character gets head popped at the end. That was very satisfying.
Matching speedo?
The Law, F. Bastiat
Worst Pawnshop Ever.
Where are the wounded vet G I Joe?
Did you buy?
Somebody's watching me
Asking the big questions tonight, brother.
Duct tape and a bic, yo
Don't skip leg day.
Nah. Fuck him.
The nod at the end.
Fuckin A.
You take PayPal?
You might want to tell your fren you luv him.
I believe in magacles
Get fukt. You should get context before you be fag.
Beetis makes toes fall off. First symptom of beetis is cashing your pension check for a fuddyfive.
I wouldn't take ol George as the olive drab type, either.
Why are you raisin hell over this?
Soy-bois with badges and truncheons vs. Citizens with 3D printed BARs. That is my dream.