do it faggot, you won't
Tits or gtfo
really? you don't see a problem with giving literally anyone, even someone who may not even know you, the opportunity to have your private property seized without any due process whatsoever?
"Hey Steezy, you hurt my feelings when you disagreed with my political opinion. I'm going to call 911 and report you as a danger to those around you so a SWAT team can kick in your door and take your shit and throw in you in jail"
I’m stickying this because it’s the first post in ages to embody the OG WG lyfe
If I find out you didn’t actually barbecue your AR and this is some random internet image, I will find you and skullfuck your eyes out.
Sounds like a decent Friday night
let's say you're the type of person who desires more government control of your life. Maybe you had helicopter parents and were never allowed to make decisions so you're afraid. Maybe you believe that you're superior to others due to intellect, upbringing, or any number of factors. Maybe you're just a faggot (but I repeat myself).
So you tell yourself the government's job is to protect their subjects, just like mommy did for me when she never let me play on the 10 foot tall slide because I might get hurt.
Now let's say you grew up in a culture where everyone was praised for being mediocre, or worse. You got a blue ribbon even though you couldn't run the 100 yard dash because you weighed 150 pounds at age 8 That made you feel special. You see people burning down buildings and turning over cars and the news tells those people they're special and they have been "mostly peaceful" riots.
Now an authority figure tells you that in order to keep you safe and special, a certain group of people needs rules that will keep their freedoms from hurting your feelings.
Now, if that group of people is on the same footing as the people enforcing the rules, that's not very safe or special. "You're alive because of your M4" doesn't mean much if the person you're enforcing against also has the same weaponry.
This massive shift in the view of the role of government only took a generation to propagate. The kids in positions of authority who have guns are now of the mindset that they are the ones keeping everyone safe and special and that's ok for them to have the guns because they're doing the will of the benevolent leaders trying to keep everyone safe and special.
The solution is obvious for those of us in the know. Drink bourbon and ignore the problem until it goes away.
Just don’t get caught. Concealed means concealed.
spammers are the only ones that get banned around here unless it's egregious and/or illegal (or I just feel like it). Everyone, idiots and schizos included, can comment whatever they want and you can choose to engage or not.
I don’t know, I just stay here. Inject some humor and put the link in a text post and it will be fine. This isn’t a politics board.
There's other boards for politics.
how about keep your fucking mouth shut about shit dumbfucks. Especially if you live a police state that can come up with a penal code for "conspiracy to possess ammunition"
Do the SOT as a side gig to your main job. Only costs $500/yr and you also get discounts on silencers which ship within a week and you can run without a stamp. A little bit of paperwork to keep up with but it’s worth it. I’ve been doing it that way for 5 years now.
Like the answer to most of my life … I was probably drinking
Not really unless you’re shooting corrosives or lead bullets. Maybe every 1k rounds run some solvent on a patch through it.
wants comp pistol
is broke
Does not compute
Hello yes I am also a totally real person (not law enforcement lol) that also feels disenfranchised by society. We should meet up and form a support group somewhere in the Idaho mountains! Again, I’m not any sort of law enforcement!
Fellow ATF agents, we must allow unrestricted access to auto-sears or our entire way of life will be threatened. Full auto is our strength.
lol ur not even man enough to point the gun at yourself get lost fgt
you must mean the Fruity Ghost
20” cuz muh ballistics
10.5” cuz muh CQB
7” cuz muh fireball
After that you’re just building spares to arm your friends and family during the inevitable collapse of society
they will not go down in price nor will you ever be able to find affordable ammo for them again.
Keep building $400 ARs until you don't have any storage room left in the hall closet and buy a case of ammo every time you finish a build. for the price of mediocre slavshit, you now have an actually accurate rifle and the ability to feed it.
All that said, I have a century AK with 200 rounds of steel case ammo I'd sell for the low low price of $1250. all proceeds from the sale go directly to support Ukraine during this time of need*
*proceeds are taxable revenue which are reported to the IRS who then sends a portion to Ukraine via unilateral legislation which results in sending billions of dollars to a country half way around the world while our economy turns to utter shit
Killdozer is peak weeekendgunnit lyfe. I’ll allow it
neat. now I'm curious what other artwork can be made from ammo.
Austists, away!!
The link is gun related so by rule it stays. It’s not exactly in the spirit of the forum but whatever