The monthly thread is only getting like 10-15 comments total. I'm too lazy to remember to make a new post on the first of every month, so this thread will stay up until I decide it's too old and then I'll start a new one.

tally ho lads

My New Year’s resolution list:

  1. more pistol training

  2. exercise more often

  3. abolish the ATF

  4. eat better

What about y’all?

Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals. What gun related items are you asking Santa for this year?

remember to vote this month! If you don't vote, then the democrats don't know how many ballots to stuff so they can win by the narrowest margin by finding only blue votes at 3am.

I’ll pay $1 to the first person that loads candy corn into a .40 short and weak and videos themselves firing it.


remember remember the 21st night of September? It was a dark and stormy evening. The earth was on fire and the wind was gusting. our souls were singing as we danced in that night. NVG, plate carriers, and glocks; feet, ammo, and cocks. Tendies, bobs, and vagene: hoppes, CLP, and fireclean.

Dog days of summer mean only one thing … you gotta wake up extra early to get drunk enough to shoot guns before noon.

Happy independence month! Don’t forget to pay your taxes so our federal government can continue their bloated overreach while the career politicians make sure you are an unarmed and happy revenue cow, just like our founding fathers intended.


Take pride this June in your ammosexual orientation. Don’t allow yourself to be kink shamed by the people in your life that want you to stay in the gun closet.

Be loud, be proud!


May your May mingle Mayo and Memorial and be filled with Mateba, Mossberg, Mosin, and Mauser.


Did you guys hear? The ATF has been disbanded. Unregistered machine guns for all!!


Hey guys, just remember the best way to protect yourselves from getting invaded by Russian forces is to get vaccinated!!


Honk honk

Would the trucker convoy protesting Ottawa be different if the canucks could own real guns?


Farewell 2021, hello 2022. I’m sure this is the year the the ATF gets abolished, the NRA actually does something beneficial for gun rights, and the HPA passes … right guys?


Last month of 2021 ... This was such a fun year with all the ammo available, zero inflation, the end of Covid19 (finally!), and the best president in history constantly fighting to uphold our individual liberty and limit federal overreach.

Actually, now that I think about it maybe 2021 wasn't that great of a year after all. I did get a few new guns this year so I got that going for me, which is nice.


Happy No N-word November!

apparently N-words like Nagger, Niggle, Nigrosene, and Negropont are forbidden this month for some reason?

hopefully you can keep your N words to yourself. For some of you, that might be challenging


Happy Spooktober! Can you imagine anything more scary than an unregulated firearm industry?

I figured since we all love guns so much I'd enrich our collective knowledge by outlining some of the gun laws in America that are enforced by the wonderful and omnipotent Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.

First off, y'all remember that whole alcohol prohibition thing that we tried a while back? Well, once everyone realized that prohibition of something does absolutely nothing to deter usage or production of the prohibited item, the government decided to just go ahead and keep spending untold billions on prohibiting things anyway.

After the 21st amendment repealed the 18th, the government had a bunch of people employed with no job to do. So naturally, they dissolved the various units and returned the unused tax dollars to the citizens. LMAO, no actually they decided to take all of those revenuers and turn them on to guns. Now that the government had created the problem of organized crime due to alcohol prohibition that absolutely totally worked trust me bro, they decided to prohibit certain firearms from reaching the general public through something called the National Firearms Act in 1934. They basically tried to prohibit fun guns from reaching the average joe through a series of hoops and taxes that law abiding people didn't want to go through. Since we all know that organized crime is fully deterred by laws, the NFA achieved the desired outcome of keeping dangerous guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals. oh wait, no it didn't. sorry.

After a few decades of everyone minding their own business, the FBI and CIA got together during the civil rights movement and decided they didn't want those people to own guns. After assassinating a few high profile leaders and a sitting president, someone finally started thinking about the children and passed the Gun Control act of 1968 which gave us many of the common sense restrictions we have today. Age of purchase, inventory logging, serial number requirements, etc.

After another couple of decades, the '90s gave us the Brady act, which mandates background checks on all FFL transactions, as well as the Assault Weapons Ban which dramatically reduced gun crime and deaths. Pay no attention that crime rates were steadily declining before 1994 and continued to decline after the sunset of the AWB. That reduction in crime rates was totally the result of a bill that reduced the amount of ammunition you can have in a magazine. Criminals always pay attention to laws and certainly wouldn't find a way around them.

Now that the BATFE had laws working in their favor, they could begin manipulating people into breaking those laws, then shooting their wives and children.

I won't go into all the details because most of you know them, but here are a few links for some light reading.

Hope this doesn't scare anyone too much.


Biden: *checks watch* we need to regulate assault weapons in the U.S. so they don't fall into the hands of dangerous people. *licks ice cream*

Taliban: *releases ISIS from prison*. Thanks for giving us literally thousands of actual assault rifles! We'll keep good care of them for you while we plan our next attack on you. *bombs our service personnel*

Biden: *sniffs children* That was Trump's fault. *falls asleep*


8th month of the year … I guess that means something but I don’t have it in me to come up with some witty paragraph that encompasses our autistic love of firearms and near radical hatred of our current government so just use your imagination to pretend I said something profound but also hilarious.


Get that gay shit outta here, its now Independence Month. The month where we celebrate a bunch of slave owning white men decided they didn't want to be ruled by other slave owning white men so they fought against tyrannical overlords who tried to disarm their subjects with common sense gun control legislation.

Remember, this is nothing to celebrate given the PROBLEMATIC beliefs held at the time. YIKES, if you still celebrate the founding of a nation built on the idea that everyone should have a say in how the government works then there's a lot to unpack here.

Listen SWEATY, just because we have a constitution that enumerates our natural rights so that no one person or small group of people can hold power over an entire nation of people doesn't mean that you can just say whatever you want or own whatever guns you want.

OH YOU SWEET SUMMER CHILD, you still believe that a document written 250 years ago is still valid today. That's a BIG OOF from me. You actually think the slave owning white men 250 years ago that had enough education, forethought, and experience to found a nation based on a set of democratic ideals who decided to codify what it means to be "by the people, of the people, and for the people" had any idea that things might change in the future?

OMG I LITERALLY CAN'T EVEN RIGHT NOW. The fact that you think someone besides a current day leftist could fathom a day where the legacy a person leaves behind is looked upon with pride and deserves respect just proves you're a LITERAL NAZI.

CANCEL INDEPENDENCE DAY. Besides, parades become super spreader events and since the 4th of July is essentially meaningless nowadays, as I've proven with my faultless logic, no one is losing anything by not having a parade. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to dress up in a BDSM outfit, take my 3 year old transgender vegan child to a PRIDE parade so we can revel in our sexual deviance as we expose the next generation of leftists to what it means to be truly free from tyranny. Just don't try to disagree with me or raise your children in a different environment than I do because then you'd a BIGOT CISNAZI TRANSPHOBIC RACIST and I'd get you fired from your job.


happy pride month! Here at WeekendGunnit we accept all walks of life and support the LGBTQ+ community

Les Baur




Q Firearms

+ whatever other kind of guns you're into!

leave all that tranny faggot shit on another board though.


It’s a lot of work to click 4 buttons twice a month so I’m making this a monthly thread.

Also I accidentally spilled some gasoline into a recycle bin I was using for styrofoam. The resultant mess was super sticky and hard to clean up so I just scooped it into some old mason jars. Now I don’t know what to do with it. I was thinking maybe I could fashion a wick and use it as a homemade candle. Any other suggestions?


False flag, I mean Tax day. ask questions about how the government forcefully takes your money under threat of prison to distribute it for causes you don't want to fund and still call us a free nation.


This just in: Biden and his democrat leadership have determined that the wording of the 2nd amendment is clear enough and does not need additional interpretation. In the words of Biden, "Listen Jack, 'shall not be infringed' is pretty clear ok? All these dog faced pony soldiers tryna step on your rights finnaboutta get clapped".

HAHA april fools got you good fuckers.

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