If youre seriously this stupid as a libertarian, use your gun to kill yourself. I am a libertarian, but I have a brain, throwing your vote away during such an important time proves nothing
Better to live on your knees than die on your feet right? Fuck actually trying to change things let's just be grateful for what our overlords say we can have be we might get a worse one!
This sub if fucking gay now and all you Trump loving faggots are exactly the reason why things continue to be fucked. If you believe in all the Trump shit then fine, just say so. But this idea that we should suck Trumps dick because Bidens is older and grosser is fucking dumb. You don't actually care about making changes, you just want to hold on to what little freedoms you are allowed.
No, you're a fucking coward who was getting fucked in the ass and was happy about it because every 3rd stroke you got to spit on the dick. The worst part is that you were happy about it. Grateful that you had the opportunity to get fucked.
No. You clearly just don't understand that you're still losing because you are to much of a coward to actually fight. Maybe if you just keep voting for the people who do absolutely nothing for you or gun laws they will be nice one day and not fuck you as hard as the other guy will.
You're afraid if you don't pick the guy who is marginally less bad than the other guy then the other guy would win. When in reality if you weren't a bitch you'd tell both of them to get fucked and actually vote for someone who wants to establish actual personal freedom.
That is of course unless you actually did do that by voting for trump which brings me back to my original question. What the fuck happened to this sub? It's either full of fake stepper fuds who love Trump or it's full of weak cowards who don't actually want to risk standing up for themselves so they vote for corporate shills that do absolutely nothing to protect peoples freedoms.
You dont understand the concept of picking battles, by fighting your battle that you were sure to lose, you lost on multiple levels. You taught no lesson whatsoever. This election was too important to throw away your vote to a libertarian. You show liberals that their ideals of gun confiscation is not wanted by not voting them into office. Once that radical ideal is off the table we can make better progress with libertarianism, but as long as it is their main priority, we have to put the best fighter in, not give them the seat to beat us. Youre simply too young and niave to understand the intricacies of it all.
You're simply to much of pussy to understand the meaning of actually standing up for your rights. The "intricacies" of voting for what you believe in doesn't take a PhD and be 60 years old to understand. Your argument is literally "oh you'll get it when you're older " which is beyond stupid. How old exactly does a person have to be? What if a person is older than that and still says you're wrong? Are they now wrong for a different reason aside from their age?
You're not even picking a battle. You're to scared to even participate in any sort of battle. You're sucking the dick of some fascist who doesn't give a fuck about your rights and hoping that they are kind enough to maybe just maybe they will let you actually have some rights. You're either scared to make a stand because you think you have to much to lose as if the only people who have ever made a stand for what they believed in were 20 year old single dudes with no house, kids, career or anything else of value to lose. You have some or all of those things and are comfortable and don't want to do anything to lose them. That's fine, lots of people are like that and that is exactly who the two main parties want you to feel like. "Don't vote for the other guy because it's to important and you might lose some of those things. Instead vote for me and I'll not do a single thing to give you any sort of freedoms or power so that way you can continue to be scared and vote for me in the future."
If you truly believe Trump has your best interest in mind and you agree with the things he does than by all means, that's your guy. But if you think that not fighting and rolling over to get fucked in the ass while saying "it's to much of a risk to stand up for myself" then you are just scared. The reason why things suck in this country because everyone thinks like you. It will always be "to important" to mot actually take a stand so we will always get the same assholes people like you elect. Keep electing the same assholes and complaining how you don't actually have any rights. I'm sure just a few more decades of this things will be better.
I genuinely consider lolberts to be controlled opposition at this point, I simply cannot wrap my head around someone who prioritizes liberty and the 2A deciding that the long-forecasted hair-margin election where the Democrats are campaigning on lockdowns, mask mandates and gun bans is the time to do your worthless protest vote. If you say you're a Libertarian now, I'm honestly just going to assume you're a leftie agent.
I'm Libertarian but I voted Trump because I'm not a fool. Sadly a good friend of mine refuses to vote for any candidate that falls short of perfection so he writes his own name in like a full spectrum retard. People need to wake up and realize we are living in the real world and not some idealized fantasy. A young guy at work yesterday was clearly a "sigh and comply" type who voted blue and said we shouldn't judge and see what they do and that laws are laws and we need to follow them. I told him that attitude will lead to war and then I started having daydreams of how that would play out. I'm rambling but people are crazy.
Accelerationism is a meme. I dabbled a bit back in current year+3 with it, but ultimately, I didn't find the logic worked out in the end. Accelerationists would vote for the worst choice anyway, that being Biden.
I found that all my Libertarian-voting friends from 2016 were relieved and happy to find that Trump won. They were just too egotistical to feel good about doing the dirty work themselves. As much as I hate our two party system, any vote that isn't for one of those two parties is wasted.
Fair, I don't claim to be one. I personally believe that when it comes down to it most of the self proclaimed accelerationists will bend over and take a good dicking before standing up for anything. I think its just an "adult" version of the teenage edgelord
Accelerationism could potentially work if women couldn't vote, but that ship has long since sailed. I don't really know the answers, but I know that quarantining California will have to factor into it somehow.
Waitaminute, someone accusing someone else of being their enemy based on a difference in political opinion?
The libertarian party is a fucking joke but so is the average literacy level in this country. I don't reckon you're going to do much by "naming people your enemy". The Republican party needs to figure out how to reach that 1.5 percent.
Upside? That stupid bitch pelosi is being blamed by her own hideous commies for her many failures. That warms my heart.
I just want you to know that after our conversation a couple weeks ago I ended up filling out my mail-in for Trump instead of Jorgensen. I came to the conclusion that it had to be him or I was basically volunteering to go to war. Which now looks like it's going to happen anyways, but whatever, bring it on I guess.
I also want you to know I went out to my shop and hazed myself with Boone's farm late into the evening so I could forget that I voted for Trump. It did not work.
So here's something you won't read on the internet often: You made me see reason, I voted a different direction than what I was going to. Congratulations, you were right.
Big brain conspiracy: Jo was a plant by the democrats to split some of the republican vote. Her campaign funds were supplied by Soros through a series of shell companies and anonymous donors that he secretly employs.
Bo Jiden has a photo of her hidden inside the lid of his toilet tank so he can secretly beat his flaccid dick while he shits and chokes himself. "Yeah, split up that conservative voter base you dirty bitch. Thats right you slut. Takes those votes. Fucking take them like a filthy cunt. God, you're so nasty. You like that, bitch? Fuck yes you do..."
Obviously, since when is there a librarian party, never heard of them before Jo Jo. Exit: who downvotes stuff on bestgunnit have we been infiltrated by faggots or something
If the US was to make a change it's voting system in the slightest: it shouldn't be to get rid of the electoral college. But rather to institute a ranked voting system of some sort. So once those libertarians lose, their votes will goto the next candidate that they picked.
Having a guy that most people dislike win the election because of first past the post doesn't seem like a fair election to me. At least with a ranked system the person who the most can agree on gets elected seems far more fair to me.
Every idiot lolbert and liberal concern troll on plebbit is parroting the “nobody owes you their vote” line. Well, I hope you faggots get killed first in the red flag no-knocks.
You’re a fucking fool. This is entire subreddit is all about unregulated access of firearms. You have a candidate that will repeal the nfa, and all you care about muh Republicans. Trump doesn’t give a rats ass about 2a. Saying only what he will to get elected again.
What happened to the weekendgunnit hating trump too.
Stand By your words and vote for them. I live in a blue state congrats doesn’t really matter for me. I hate Biden, I hate trump. Most of the people on this sub used to agree with that.
Gunnit’s balls got snipped when the subreddit got nuked. Fuck the two party system, repeal the NFA, abolish the ATF, I want my goddamn machine guns and tanks.
You can hate trump but this isn’t about being for or against trump, it’s about which path gives the most liberty and doing everything you can to maintain that liberty. The time to try and preserve liberty at the polls is over. Also your glowing for making it about liberty or death. There will be liberty, but i won’t be dead. Fuck i love getting high and thinking about how fast i can bump fire my turkish benelli m4 clone. Alls i need is a good speed loader. Either way who needs to worry about tax stamps when i dont even pay my regular tax anyways. Fuck it ill probably shorten the barrel on if right after the gas tube so i can zap carry. You can join homemade open bolt full auto gang anytime you want and there’s not a government on the planet that can stop you. You can decide to not recognize the power of government but yet still vote, for trump of all people, as the most peaceful path to ultimate liberty and preservation of liberty is always going to be desired. If you get an erection everytime you violate some stepper rule and it lasts 4 hours, and nothing but vaseline can tame the pain you feel when it goes on to last into the next day, you should call a doctor - but dont let yourself believe that voting for biden or not voting would be the modt effective strategy to keep your firearms wiyyout having to luy a volnbst fight up in yhe ait wjth s thenstepppers laws okay?? If you find yourself bathing in tubs of cosmoline to hide your scent from the atf team raiding your front door while you release the molten oil from the couldron on your rooftop, maybe you should have votex. Oys bjust jros a way to go about your day when you lie ronyourself alf let tjem yake it so yeah i voted for trump aut i ahate him. The lezser stepper always wins. I dont care how many taco trucks i run to fund my gun habits trimp would tru to take less than bi den even though it doesn’t apply to me because complying is for subs and im not gay
Look at where your ideological purity has led us; President Biden (and future President Harris).I used to be a libertarian, until the Fentanyl Floyd race riots, then I grew up and woke up to the real world. You’re just as bad as the leftists, cutting off your nose to spite your face. True libertarianism cannot exist in this current degenerated “society”. Voting for the lesser of two evils might leave a bad taste in your mouth, but it’s fucking necessary to keep our ideological enemies from gaining power until it’s time to bulldoze them into mass graves.
You have to have some sort of mental retardation to believe that all those jo votes would have went to trump.
You sound like a 50 year old
Man on Facebook too much fentanyl Floyd. What happened to cops over stepping their bounds. What happened to weekendgunnit saying fuck the police. It’s people like you who fucked up. Created a atmosphere for the GOP to become this shitty.
I will be fine, thankfully. Guns are fucking important, do you know what else is important our 4th and 5th amendments. You know who fucking loves the people who violate that the gop. No one is good in goverment they are all snakes. Your a fool to believe your preserving America.
Fuck the GOP and fuck America. America isn’t a country anymore, it’s a browned economic zone run by the long noses. I don’t give a shit about the cops as long as they kill my enemies. This country is too far gone. It’s time for violent Balkanization
I’m all for that but we you can’t say the lesser of two evils will save America. The only that that will save America is us. But I don’t see anyone acting like they will do it
America can’t be saved. It’s a “country” now populated with 90 IQ consumers who buy new product, have no religion, race, or nation to fight or die for, and own nothing - renting and paying subscriptions fees until they die and are replaced by another cog from the mass of sub-humanity.
The elites will sit back and gorge upon the fruits of the underclass, being utterly immune from any reprisal. Gun owning right wingers are the most potent threat to their plan and as such, are targeted first.
If you live in California, Massachusetts, Vermont yeah vote libertarian because they have no chance of being red anytime soon, if you live in any other state you're fucking retarded.
In literally any other election I'd encourage voting third party, but right now political tensions are higher than they've been in at least 100 years and our options are an orange megalomaniac or a half dead trojan horse for a communist. Voting LP would've been a better idea in 2024.
And in 2024, it'll be a terrible idea again because "this is the most important election of our lives (again somehow)." Same as 2016, 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, probably 1996 too.
Biden sucks and Harris will suck worse, but hey, red Senate means Court can't get packed and 2A stays protected. And the Dems got smacked with a reality check in the form of their "blue wave" being barely a goddamned ripple. Again. They actually lost seats in the House and in state governments across the nation.
I live in the state with ranked choice voting. People here still were saying that voting third party was throwing your vote away. It wasn't close enough to even use RCV in district one or two. 2nd district flipped Trump anyway.
If youre seriously this stupid as a libertarian, use your gun to kill yourself. I am a libertarian, but I have a brain, throwing your vote away during such an important time proves nothing
Don’t kill yourself with a gun. That will just get added to the statistics used by democrats to try and disarm us.
Lol true, go draw muhammad somewhere
Can you even go to France right now?
You can go to Turkey. Just tell the EU border guards that you’re a poor Salafist refugee fleeing from Syria now that GASsad has retained power.
Well aloha snackbar, time for a quick little vacation!
Hell yeah man, if you didn’t vote Biden than you ain’t boog.
Better to live on your knees than die on your feet right? Fuck actually trying to change things let's just be grateful for what our overlords say we can have be we might get a worse one!
This sub if fucking gay now and all you Trump loving faggots are exactly the reason why things continue to be fucked. If you believe in all the Trump shit then fine, just say so. But this idea that we should suck Trumps dick because Bidens is older and grosser is fucking dumb. You don't actually care about making changes, you just want to hold on to what little freedoms you are allowed.
Lol yes, this was the time to take the stand when our rights are on the chopping block. You’re a fucking moron, you just yourself castrated
No, you're a fucking coward who was getting fucked in the ass and was happy about it because every 3rd stroke you got to spit on the dick. The worst part is that you were happy about it. Grateful that you had the opportunity to get fucked.
No, you just clearly don’t understand how to pick battles. You picked an impossible battle and got killed for it, you’re stupid.
No. You clearly just don't understand that you're still losing because you are to much of a coward to actually fight. Maybe if you just keep voting for the people who do absolutely nothing for you or gun laws they will be nice one day and not fuck you as hard as the other guy will.
You're afraid if you don't pick the guy who is marginally less bad than the other guy then the other guy would win. When in reality if you weren't a bitch you'd tell both of them to get fucked and actually vote for someone who wants to establish actual personal freedom.
That is of course unless you actually did do that by voting for trump which brings me back to my original question. What the fuck happened to this sub? It's either full of fake stepper fuds who love Trump or it's full of weak cowards who don't actually want to risk standing up for themselves so they vote for corporate shills that do absolutely nothing to protect peoples freedoms.
You dont understand the concept of picking battles, by fighting your battle that you were sure to lose, you lost on multiple levels. You taught no lesson whatsoever. This election was too important to throw away your vote to a libertarian. You show liberals that their ideals of gun confiscation is not wanted by not voting them into office. Once that radical ideal is off the table we can make better progress with libertarianism, but as long as it is their main priority, we have to put the best fighter in, not give them the seat to beat us. Youre simply too young and niave to understand the intricacies of it all.
You're simply to much of pussy to understand the meaning of actually standing up for your rights. The "intricacies" of voting for what you believe in doesn't take a PhD and be 60 years old to understand. Your argument is literally "oh you'll get it when you're older " which is beyond stupid. How old exactly does a person have to be? What if a person is older than that and still says you're wrong? Are they now wrong for a different reason aside from their age?
You're not even picking a battle. You're to scared to even participate in any sort of battle. You're sucking the dick of some fascist who doesn't give a fuck about your rights and hoping that they are kind enough to maybe just maybe they will let you actually have some rights. You're either scared to make a stand because you think you have to much to lose as if the only people who have ever made a stand for what they believed in were 20 year old single dudes with no house, kids, career or anything else of value to lose. You have some or all of those things and are comfortable and don't want to do anything to lose them. That's fine, lots of people are like that and that is exactly who the two main parties want you to feel like. "Don't vote for the other guy because it's to important and you might lose some of those things. Instead vote for me and I'll not do a single thing to give you any sort of freedoms or power so that way you can continue to be scared and vote for me in the future."
If you truly believe Trump has your best interest in mind and you agree with the things he does than by all means, that's your guy. But if you think that not fighting and rolling over to get fucked in the ass while saying "it's to much of a risk to stand up for myself" then you are just scared. The reason why things suck in this country because everyone thinks like you. It will always be "to important" to mot actually take a stand so we will always get the same assholes people like you elect. Keep electing the same assholes and complaining how you don't actually have any rights. I'm sure just a few more decades of this things will be better.
I genuinely consider lolberts to be controlled opposition at this point, I simply cannot wrap my head around someone who prioritizes liberty and the 2A deciding that the long-forecasted hair-margin election where the Democrats are campaigning on lockdowns, mask mandates and gun bans is the time to do your worthless protest vote. If you say you're a Libertarian now, I'm honestly just going to assume you're a leftie agent.
I'm Libertarian but I voted Trump because I'm not a fool. Sadly a good friend of mine refuses to vote for any candidate that falls short of perfection so he writes his own name in like a full spectrum retard. People need to wake up and realize we are living in the real world and not some idealized fantasy. A young guy at work yesterday was clearly a "sigh and comply" type who voted blue and said we shouldn't judge and see what they do and that laws are laws and we need to follow them. I told him that attitude will lead to war and then I started having daydreams of how that would play out. I'm rambling but people are crazy.
LMAO. My sides are in orbit. Why even go waste your time at the polls?
What an NPC. Good luck out there, Garuda.
Or an accelerationist?
Accelerationism is a meme. I dabbled a bit back in current year+3 with it, but ultimately, I didn't find the logic worked out in the end. Accelerationists would vote for the worst choice anyway, that being Biden.
I found that all my Libertarian-voting friends from 2016 were relieved and happy to find that Trump won. They were just too egotistical to feel good about doing the dirty work themselves. As much as I hate our two party system, any vote that isn't for one of those two parties is wasted.
Fair, I don't claim to be one. I personally believe that when it comes down to it most of the self proclaimed accelerationists will bend over and take a good dicking before standing up for anything. I think its just an "adult" version of the teenage edgelord
Accelerationism could potentially work if women couldn't vote, but that ship has long since sailed. I don't really know the answers, but I know that quarantining California will have to factor into it somehow.
Waitaminute, someone accusing someone else of being their enemy based on a difference in political opinion?
The libertarian party is a fucking joke but so is the average literacy level in this country. I don't reckon you're going to do much by "naming people your enemy". The Republican party needs to figure out how to reach that 1.5 percent.
Upside? That stupid bitch pelosi is being blamed by her own hideous commies for her many failures. That warms my heart.
I just want you to know that after our conversation a couple weeks ago I ended up filling out my mail-in for Trump instead of Jorgensen. I came to the conclusion that it had to be him or I was basically volunteering to go to war. Which now looks like it's going to happen anyways, but whatever, bring it on I guess.
I also want you to know I went out to my shop and hazed myself with Boone's farm late into the evening so I could forget that I voted for Trump. It did not work.
So here's something you won't read on the internet often: You made me see reason, I voted a different direction than what I was going to. Congratulations, you were right.
Now back to my regularly scheduled drinking.
Primaries are where you vote for people you want to win.
Elections are where you vote against who you don't want to win.
That’s pretty rational. Why don’t you rip some booger sugar and try again?
Somebody pin this shit
Big brain conspiracy: Jo was a plant by the democrats to split some of the republican vote. Her campaign funds were supplied by Soros through a series of shell companies and anonymous donors that he secretly employs.
Bo Jiden has a photo of her hidden inside the lid of his toilet tank so he can secretly beat his flaccid dick while he shits and chokes himself. "Yeah, split up that conservative voter base you dirty bitch. Thats right you slut. Takes those votes. Fucking take them like a filthy cunt. God, you're so nasty. You like that, bitch? Fuck yes you do..."
Obviously, since when is there a librarian party, never heard of them before Jo Jo. Exit: who downvotes stuff on bestgunnit have we been infiltrated by faggots or something
You don't remember "Where's Aleppo?" Gary Johnson from 2016?
If the US was to make a change it's voting system in the slightest: it shouldn't be to get rid of the electoral college. But rather to institute a ranked voting system of some sort. So once those libertarians lose, their votes will goto the next candidate that they picked.
Or institute a runoff system for the top two candidates if nobody breaks 50 percent? look at the Georgia senate races.
yeah no thanks. Having a guy that wins because he was second on a % of ballots isn't my idea of a fair election.
Having a guy that most people dislike win the election because of first past the post doesn't seem like a fair election to me. At least with a ranked system the person who the most can agree on gets elected seems far more fair to me.
Georgia too
Every idiot lolbert and liberal concern troll on plebbit is parroting the “nobody owes you their vote” line. Well, I hope you faggots get killed first in the red flag no-knocks.
You’re a fucking fool. This is entire subreddit is all about unregulated access of firearms. You have a candidate that will repeal the nfa, and all you care about muh Republicans. Trump doesn’t give a rats ass about 2a. Saying only what he will to get elected again.
What happened to the weekendgunnit hating trump too.
Stand By your words and vote for them. I live in a blue state congrats doesn’t really matter for me. I hate Biden, I hate trump. Most of the people on this sub used to agree with that.
Gunnit’s balls got snipped when the subreddit got nuked. Fuck the two party system, repeal the NFA, abolish the ATF, I want my goddamn machine guns and tanks.
Weekend gunnit lost their balls 100%.
We used to hate trump, now it’s “better of two evils” I want “give me liberty or give me death”
You can hate trump but this isn’t about being for or against trump, it’s about which path gives the most liberty and doing everything you can to maintain that liberty. The time to try and preserve liberty at the polls is over. Also your glowing for making it about liberty or death. There will be liberty, but i won’t be dead. Fuck i love getting high and thinking about how fast i can bump fire my turkish benelli m4 clone. Alls i need is a good speed loader. Either way who needs to worry about tax stamps when i dont even pay my regular tax anyways. Fuck it ill probably shorten the barrel on if right after the gas tube so i can zap carry. You can join homemade open bolt full auto gang anytime you want and there’s not a government on the planet that can stop you. You can decide to not recognize the power of government but yet still vote, for trump of all people, as the most peaceful path to ultimate liberty and preservation of liberty is always going to be desired. If you get an erection everytime you violate some stepper rule and it lasts 4 hours, and nothing but vaseline can tame the pain you feel when it goes on to last into the next day, you should call a doctor - but dont let yourself believe that voting for biden or not voting would be the modt effective strategy to keep your firearms wiyyout having to luy a volnbst fight up in yhe ait wjth s thenstepppers laws okay?? If you find yourself bathing in tubs of cosmoline to hide your scent from the atf team raiding your front door while you release the molten oil from the couldron on your rooftop, maybe you should have votex. Oys bjust jros a way to go about your day when you lie ronyourself alf let tjem yake it so yeah i voted for trump aut i ahate him. The lezser stepper always wins. I dont care how many taco trucks i run to fund my gun habits trimp would tru to take less than bi den even though it doesn’t apply to me because complying is for subs and im not gay
Look at where your ideological purity has led us; President Biden (and future President Harris).I used to be a libertarian, until the Fentanyl Floyd race riots, then I grew up and woke up to the real world. You’re just as bad as the leftists, cutting off your nose to spite your face. True libertarianism cannot exist in this current degenerated “society”. Voting for the lesser of two evils might leave a bad taste in your mouth, but it’s fucking necessary to keep our ideological enemies from gaining power until it’s time to bulldoze them into mass graves.
You have to have some sort of mental retardation to believe that all those jo votes would have went to trump.
You sound like a 50 year old Man on Facebook too much fentanyl Floyd. What happened to cops over stepping their bounds. What happened to weekendgunnit saying fuck the police. It’s people like you who fucked up. Created a atmosphere for the GOP to become this shitty.
I will be fine, thankfully. Guns are fucking important, do you know what else is important our 4th and 5th amendments. You know who fucking loves the people who violate that the gop. No one is good in goverment they are all snakes. Your a fool to believe your preserving America.
Fuck the GOP and fuck America. America isn’t a country anymore, it’s a browned economic zone run by the long noses. I don’t give a shit about the cops as long as they kill my enemies. This country is too far gone. It’s time for violent Balkanization
I’m all for that but we you can’t say the lesser of two evils will save America. The only that that will save America is us. But I don’t see anyone acting like they will do it
America can’t be saved. It’s a “country” now populated with 90 IQ consumers who buy new product, have no religion, race, or nation to fight or die for, and own nothing - renting and paying subscriptions fees until they die and are replaced by another cog from the mass of sub-humanity.
The elites will sit back and gorge upon the fruits of the underclass, being utterly immune from any reprisal. Gun owning right wingers are the most potent threat to their plan and as such, are targeted first.
If you live in California, Massachusetts, Vermont yeah vote libertarian because they have no chance of being red anytime soon, if you live in any other state you're fucking retarded.
Yeah voting for the slow crawl to death we've been on since 1781 sounds real good.
Tell me more about how more neoliberalism will fix the problem.
Or how about you bitch at the 40% who never vote?
In literally any other election I'd encourage voting third party, but right now political tensions are higher than they've been in at least 100 years and our options are an orange megalomaniac or a half dead trojan horse for a communist. Voting LP would've been a better idea in 2024.
And in 2024, it'll be a terrible idea again because "this is the most important election of our lives (again somehow)." Same as 2016, 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, probably 1996 too.
Biden sucks and Harris will suck worse, but hey, red Senate means Court can't get packed and 2A stays protected. And the Dems got smacked with a reality check in the form of their "blue wave" being barely a goddamned ripple. Again. They actually lost seats in the House and in state governments across the nation.
Would've been just fine if it wasn't for all the fraudulent Biden ballots.
Unfortunately, anyone who went into this election not expecting Democrat fraud on an industrial scale is an idiot.
Trump is unironically more libertarian than the entire "L"P put together.
I live in the state with ranked choice voting. People here still were saying that voting third party was throwing your vote away. It wasn't close enough to even use RCV in district one or two. 2nd district flipped Trump anyway.
I'll fuckin' do it again, better nominate better candidates or else
I'll Fukkin Do it again.